Number - indicates number of nouns or pronouns, it may be singular or plural
Rules about numbers:
1. It is by adding -s to the noun, a plural form is formed
Ex.: bag - bags, friend - friends
2. Nouns with -y in the end and is preceded by a consonant, form the plural by substituting -y to -i and add -es
Ex.: bunny - bunnies, baby - babies
3. To form the plural of nouns with -s, -x, -z, -ch and sh on the end, simply add -es.
Ex. beach - beaches, bush - bushes
4. Nouns ending in -o preceded by a consonant generally form the plural by adding -es.
Ex.: hero - heroes, tomato - tomatoes
Exceptions: alto - altos; solo - solos; piano - pianos; trio - trios
5. Nouns ending in -f/-fe generally form the plural by substituting -f/-fe to -ves
Ex.: calf - calves; shelf - shelves
Except: dwarf; handkerchief
6. Some nouns are the same on both plural and singular form
Ex.: series; corps; cod; deer; sheep; Chinese; Japanese; swine;
species; front; salmon; Swiss; cattle; nose; apparatus
7. Some nouns form the plural by changing the entire word.
Ex.: tooth - teeth; mouse - mice
8. In cases of compound nouns, add -s to the important word to form the plural
Ex.: brother-in-law - brothers-in-law
Note: manservant - manservants; master sergeant - master sergeants
Common nouns with -ful form plural by adding -s
E.g.: teaspoonful - teaspoonfuls
9. In numbers, simply add -s to the singular
E.g.: 1 - 1's; Z - Z's
10. In cases that the noun is preceded by a title, the title or the name may be pluralized
e.g.: Miss Macalam - the Misses Macalam
or the Miss Macalams
Mr. Mariano - the Messrs. Mariano
or the Mr. Marianos
Ex.: bag - bags, friend - friends
2. Nouns with -y in the end and is preceded by a consonant, form the plural by substituting -y to -i and add -es
Ex.: bunny - bunnies, baby - babies
3. To form the plural of nouns with -s, -x, -z, -ch and sh on the end, simply add -es.
Ex. beach - beaches, bush - bushes
4. Nouns ending in -o preceded by a consonant generally form the plural by adding -es.
Ex.: hero - heroes, tomato - tomatoes
Exceptions: alto - altos; solo - solos; piano - pianos; trio - trios
5. Nouns ending in -f/-fe generally form the plural by substituting -f/-fe to -ves
Ex.: calf - calves; shelf - shelves
Except: dwarf; handkerchief
6. Some nouns are the same on both plural and singular form
Ex.: series; corps; cod; deer; sheep; Chinese; Japanese; swine;
species; front; salmon; Swiss; cattle; nose; apparatus
7. Some nouns form the plural by changing the entire word.
Ex.: tooth - teeth; mouse - mice
8. In cases of compound nouns, add -s to the important word to form the plural
Ex.: brother-in-law - brothers-in-law
Note: manservant - manservants; master sergeant - master sergeants
Common nouns with -ful form plural by adding -s
E.g.: teaspoonful - teaspoonfuls
9. In numbers, simply add -s to the singular
E.g.: 1 - 1's; Z - Z's
10. In cases that the noun is preceded by a title, the title or the name may be pluralized
e.g.: Miss Macalam - the Misses Macalam
or the Miss Macalams
Mr. Mariano - the Messrs. Mariano
or the Mr. Marianos
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